Baltijskij Region
Territorial'naja kogezija kak osnova sbalansirovannoj territorial'noj politiki v Kaliningradskoj oblasti [The territorial cohesion as the basis for a balanced territorial policy in the Kaliningrad region]
关键词: regional development;    spatial policy;    territorial cohesion;    sustainable development;    Kaliningrad region;    Baltic Sea Region;    European Union;   
DOI  :  10.5922/2074-9848-2011-1-11
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The territorial cohesion concept became a key priority of the European spatial development policy due to the growing awareness of the role of geography in ensuring sustainable regional development. The article is focused on the way of adapting this concept to the Kaliningrad region as a foundation for a sustainable spatial development policy in the context of the EU and the Baltic Sea Region cohesion policy.
【 授权许可】


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