Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Safety of engineered structures against blast vibrations: A case study
关键词: Engineered structures;    Safe vibration levels;    Attenuation relation;    Safe charges;    Blasting pattern;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jrmge.2015.10.007
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Blasting used for rock excavation is associated with ground vibrations having potential damage to surrounding structures. The extent of damage produced in a structure depends largely on ground motion characteristics, dynamic characteristics of structure and the type of geological strata on which it is founded. The safety of surrounding structures against blast vibrations is a cause of concern. However, use of a systematic approach to rock blasting helps to complete the excavation safely in time without endangering the safety of surrounding structures. Various steps are commonly adopted at construction sites to ensure safety of engineered structures against blast vibrations, e.g. adopting a suitable safe vibration level, developing site-specific attenuation relation, estimating safe charges for different distances, designing blasting pattern, and monitoring vibrations during actual blasting. The paper describes the details of studies conducted for ensuring safety of an 85 years old masonry dam and green concrete of varying ages during excavation of about 30,000 m3 of hard rock in Maharashtra, India. The studies helped to complete the rock excavation safely in time and the safety of the dam was ensured by monitoring blast vibrations during actual rock excavation.

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