Archives of Civil Engineering
Moment Resistance of I-Section End-Plate Roof Girder Splices; A Case Study
Żółtowski K.1  Kalitowski P.2 
[1] DSc., PhD., Eng., prof. of Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, St. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland;M., Eng., Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, St. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland;
关键词: non-preloaded end-plate joint;    bending connection;    FEM analysis;    sports hall roof;   
DOI  :  10.1515/ace-2015-0105
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article deals with the problem of determining the resistance of end-plate connections. A nonlinear FEM model of the joint was constructed in order to predict its carrying capacity. A standard code procedure was done as well. The analyses have been done to assess atypical end-plate joints designed and constructed as a part of roof structures.

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