International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology
Farmers perceptions on dual-purpose sorghum and it’s potential in Zambia
关键词: Dual Purpose Sorghum;    Farmer Perceptions;    Feed;    Grain;    Silage;    Zambia;   
DOI  :  http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v4i2.22654
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Food feed crops play a cardinal role in mixed crop-livestock production systems yet views of farmers on their usage are limited. Farmers’ perceptions in predominant sorghum growing areas of Zambia were solicited on socio-economic factors affecting sorghum production, awareness and willingness to adopt dual-purpose sorghum cultivars for food and feed. Preferred traits of a “model” dual-purpose cultivar were identified. The aim of the study was to generate information that would support the genetic improvement of dual-purpose sorghum. Questionnaires were used to generate this information. Results showed that less than 50% of sorghum growing SSFs had limited knowledge on the use of sorghum to produce feed silage; however, there was full awareness among the LSFs. Among other traits, farmers’ “ideal” variety should combine high grain yield potential (100 %) with high biomass (100 % of LSFs and 80 % of SSFs) and high stem sugar content (100 % of LSF and 70 % of SSFs). All the SSFs and 20 % of the LSFs indicated that adequate production could be hampered by low grain yield, poor access to improved seed and unavailability of farmers’- preferred cultivars.
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