Effect of three different nitrogen fertilizers on several vegetable crops
关键词: urea;    compost;    tomato;    Lycopersicon esculentum;    okra;    Abelmoschus esculentus;    spinach;    Amaranthus tricolor;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Applications of three different sources of N fertilizers (urea, compost from slaughter house and chicken manure compost) on vegetable crops (tomato, okra and spinach) were conducted in the green house of Research Institute for Food Crop Biotechnology, Bogor from August of 1999 to April of 2000. Treatments consisted of: (i) without fertilizer, (ii) 5 g N/pot of urea, (iii) 10 g N/pot of slaughter house compost, (iv) 10 g N/pot of chicken manure compost, (v) 5 g N/pot of urea + 10 g N/pot of slaughter house compost, and (vi) 5 g N/pot of urea + 10 g N/pot of chicken manure compost. Completely Randomized Design with 3 replicates was used in the experiments. In the first experiment, tomatoes were planted in the first season, following by okra in the second season. In the second experiment, spinach was planted for 6 times. Urea and compost were applied only once at the beginning of the experiment. Results of the experiments showed that for the first experiment

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