Transport Problems
The influence of the type of road, the type of vehicle and the age structure on the road transport emission
关键词: Road transport;    traffic emission;    technical condition of the vehicles;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The total emission level is heavily dependent on the number of vehicles. Additionally, the type of vehicles and their age structures are very important. The structure of vehicles also depends on the type of the road. The article presents the results of calculations of the pollutants emission from the road transport. Total emission was calculated with combination of the investigation results i.e. the type of vehicles and their age structures for different types of roads. The investigations have been made for different classes of roads with different types of vehicles. The traffic line has been recorded in the same length of time. On the basis of analysis of the recorded traffic line, the number and the type of vehicles have been estimated. The classification of vehicles have been made according to the level of emission i.e. passenger cars, light duty vehicles, heavy duty vehicles, busses and others, taking into consideration the age structures of vehicles. The level of total traffic emission has been calculated on the basis of results. There has been used the Copert programme methodology. The results of the calculations have been made with combination of the type of road, the speed of vehicles, the type of vehicles and their age structure, are presented.

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