Вестник университета
A. O. Buryakova1  E. A. Fedchenko1 
[1] Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation;
关键词: budget execution;    control points;    efficiency;    government programs;    mathematical modeling;    methodology;    quality of planning;    system of criteria;   
DOI  :  10.26425/1816-4277-2020-12-76-86
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article presents the results of the analysis of the approved by law methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation. The paper ascertains that the methodology has a number of shortcomings in terms of calculating individual indicators, does not take into account the industry specifics of measures. In order to eliminate the shortcomings of the current methodological base, the authors proposed an adjusted methodology for assessing efficiency, which involves the use of mathematical modeling methods, qualitative assessment criteria, modified coefficients. At the same time, the weighting coefficients of the main criteria of the method were revised – the study proposes to use the method of Saati hierarchies. The developed proposals are aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of the results of assessing the effectiveness of government programs.

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