Scientific Drilling
Drilling Vessel Chikyu: Status, Capabilities, and Current Operati
关键词: Drilling vessel Chikyu;   
DOI  :  10.2204/iodp.sd.3.12.2006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The Deep Sea Drilling Vessel Chikyu is a state-of-the-art drilling platform that can reach geological targets previously inaccessible to scientifi c drilling. This 210-m-long, 57,000-ton vessel comes equipped with a 121-m-tall drilling derrick, a fully integrated riser drilling system and blow-out preventer (BOP), and a highly automated drill fl oor system that runs effi ciently and safely with a small number of operating personnel. The Chikyu is fl exible enough to allow both riser and riserless operations, depending on the scientifi c and technical requirements of a given expedition.

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