Optimal location and sizing of capacitor banks in distribution networks to reduce harmonic distortion and improve voltage profile using genetic algorithm
Milovanović Miloš J.1  Radosavljević Jordan N.1  Perović Bojan D.1 
[1] University of Priština, Faculty of Technical Science, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia;
关键词: capacitor bank;    distribution network;    genetic algorithm;    power flow;    higher harmonics;   
DOI  :  10.5937/tehnika1706867M
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper considers the problem of determination of optimum locations and sizes of capacitor banks (CB) for reactive power compensation in distribution systems to reduce harmonic distortion and improve voltage profile. Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used for solving this non-linear multi-objective optimization problem with constraints. A detailed methodology was presented for solving the power flow problem at fundamental and higher harmonic frequencies of interest and models of network components in harmonic analysis. The proposed procedure was successfully tested on the standard IEEE 33-bus test system for three different objective functions. Calculations showed the efficiency of GA for solving this complex problem.

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