SHS Web of Conferences
Agricultural enterprises development strategy investment support in the field of animal husbandry in Ukraine
Ishchenko Svitlana1  Tkach Tetyana1  Skrypniuk Kateryna1  Pyrogov Dmytro1 
[1] Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University Pershotravneva Street 20;
关键词: investment support;    development strategy;    management;    model;    investment climate;    investment environment;   
DOI  :  10.1051/shsconf/20207301009
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article studies the theoretical and methodological principles of investment support for agricultural enterprises development strategy. Under modern conditions, when the Ukrainian producers are forced to revise the strategic guidelines for their own development as a result of the lost traditional markets for agricultural products, the investment support for implementing the long-term development programs becomes especially topical. Such elements of investment support for enterprise development as investment environment, investment potential and investment climate, have to be considered not only by the commodity producers but also influenced by the state on a regular basis. The enterprises investment support system is dynamic and flexible in terms of quite turbulent modern economic development of Ukraine, it is constantly transformed under the influence of a wide range of factors. This requires the formation and implementation of an effective national policy to attract foreign investment, to boost the investment attractiveness of the national economy as a whole, to ensure an adequate protection level of investments and to implement other system measures to create a favorable investment environment. The study of the livestock sector development trend in Ukraine shows that after years of neglect to the industry development by the state we face degradation, evidenced by the negative dynamics of both volumetric and qualitative indicators. In terms of the research the attention was paid to the development of tools for forecasting the investment support impact on the livestock enterprises development indicators in order to use the predictive model in strategic planning.

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