Vestnik Voronežskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Inženernyh Tehnologij
A software solution for training for quality control of thermal shrinkage polymer films
T. B. Chistyakova1  A. M. Araztaganova1 
[1]Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology
关键词: mathematic models, shrinkage, polymeric films, software solution, training;   
DOI  :  10.20914/2310-1202-2017-4-56-64
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
A software solution for training to control wide variety of thermal shrinkage polymer films is described. The films are produced of different types of materials and on a big variety of production lines configurations with wide ranges of quality requirements. To solve the training task the solution includes library of mathematic models, databases of production lines configurations, material properties, technological regulations and knowledge base for control of thermal shrinkage properties of polymer films. The library of mathematic models allows considering different properties of the polymers, area of their further exploitation. It also allows simulation modelling and control of thermal shrinkage properties of polymer films such as length and width shrinkage values and the strength of shrinkage. The formalized description of thermal shrinkage films obtaining processes is developed and input, control and output vectors are described. The input vector includes configuration of production line and material properties). The control vector includes temperatures and velocities of production line rolls). Thermal shrinkage properties of polymer films are represented in the output vector. The software solution includes instructor, trainee and administrator interfaces. The interfaces allow editing the databases and the knowledgebase of the solution, initializing the training scenario and formation of training protocols. The training scenario includes a configuration of production line, a material type, quality requirements and acceptable execution time. The protocol describes the dependencies of variations between calculated and required values on time and control values. The developed architecture allows training of production personnel to control the quality of wide variety of thermal shrinkage films. The films can be produced on the production lines of different configuration from wide variety of materials. The software solution was tested by training to control thermal shrinkage film productions on Russian and German plants of Kloeckner Pentaplast corporation.
【 授权许可】


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