International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors in the Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship: A Service-Learning Programme
Jesús Gil-Gómez1  María Maravé-Vivas2  Celina Salvador-Garcia3  Carlos Capella-Peris4 
[1] Department of Education and Didactics of Specific Subjects, Universitat Jaume I, 12071 Castellón, Spain;Department of Pedagogy and Didactics of Social Sciences, Language and Literature, Universitat Jaume I, 12071 Castellón, Spain;Facultad de Educación, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, 26006 Logroño, Spain;Physical and Sports Education Department, Universitat de València, 46010 València, Spain;
关键词: service-learning;    higher education;    social entrepreneurship;    physical education;    active methodology;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijerph182111318
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Social entrepreneurship (SE) is often presented in the literature as the key to solve many of this world’s persistent social problems. SE offers a special opportunity to address the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to boost the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research examines the effects of Service Learning (SL) on the SE of university students and to examine whether certain sociodemographic factors (i.e., age, entrance studies, family studies, social participation, and employment situation) are associated with students’ SE competence development when applying SL. Pre-service teachers (n = 98) of the degree in early childhood education applied a physical education SL programme. We used a quantitative method with a pre-experimental design, using pre-test and post-test measures. The findings obtained show a significant improvement on the SE competence of PSTs, so SL seems a good tool to develop it. The results that analyse the influence of socio-demographic factors do not show significant correlations. There are very few studies focusing on this objective, so it would be interesting to encourage the research community to provide more data in this area.

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