Biology Open
Hepatic metabolomic profiling changes along with postnatal liver maturation in breeder roosters
Shengru Wu1  Musa Bello Bodinga1  Yanli Liu1  Liqin Zhu1  Di Han1  Xiaojun Yang1 
[1]College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, P. R. of China
关键词: Brooding period;    Chicken;    Growing period;    Metabolomics;    Postnatal liver metergasis;   
DOI  :  10.1242/bio.028944
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
To understand the hepatic metabolic changes during postnatal liver maturation process in breeder roosters, we investigated the hepatic metabolites composition of 1-day-old, 42-day-old, and 35-week-old breeder roosters using gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Comprehensive multivariate data analyses were applied to identify the distinguishing metabolites of liver. 84 different kinds of distinguishing metabolites were identified between the livers of 1-day-old and 42-day-old breeder roosters, and 58 different kinds of distinguishing metabolites were identified between the livers from 42-day-old and 35-week-old breeder roosters. Further pathway annotations revealed that the hepatic metabolism was extensively remodeled during the postnatal liver maturation process. The antioxidant capacity of the liver and metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fats, cholesterols, nucleic acids, and vitamins were all significantly changed at different growing periods after birth. Specifically, we found that the hepatic amino acid metabolic function was continuously enhanced from 1-day-old to 35-week-old roosters. However, the glucose and lipid metabolic functions were weakened from 1-day-old to 42-day-old roosters and then elevated from 42-day-old to 35-week-old roosters. In conclusion, the present study revealed that the metabolomic changes are related to the adaption of liver functions in breeder roosters.
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