Известия ТИНРО
Evaluation of ice volume in the Okhotsk Sea by the ice age characteristics for the period of 2001–2019
I. G. Minervin1  P. A. Truskov2  V. M. Pishchalnik3 
[1] Far-Eastern branch of Russian Ac. Sci.;Sakhalin Energy Investment Co., Ltd.;Sakhalin State University;
关键词: satellite sensing;    ice cover;    ice thickness;    ice volume;    long-term variability;    okhotsk sea;   
DOI  :  10.26428/1606-9919-2020-200-427-444
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Age of ice in the Okhotsk Sea in 2001–2019 is determined by analysis of satellite data from passive and active microwave spectroradiometers. The areas with certain age composition are contoured with monthly discreteness. Mean thickness of ice in these areas is calculated by weighted averaging of thickness for three main forms, neglecting the ice deformation. The ice volume is calculated by these areas, taking into account the ice concentration. The total mean winter ice volume in the Okhotsk Sea decreased in two decades with the rate of 32.2 km3/decade, on average, while the ice cover decreased by 3.2 %/decade and the average ice thickness decreased by 3.4 cm/decade. Total loss of the ice volume in the Okhotsk Sea in 2001–2019 is estimated as 34.5 %. The ice volume decreasing was caused by both ice thickness lowering (60 %) and ice cover reduction (40 %).

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