La permaculture au sein de l’agriculture urbaine : Du jardin au projet de société
关键词: Degrowth;    Ecology;    Epistemology;    Permaculture;    Urban agriculture.;    Urbanism;   
DOI  :  10.4000/vertigo.9941
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Permaculture is often considered an “alternative” way of ecological food production in countrysides or cities.. Although the definition and principles of permaculture are in constant evolution, it appears that permaculture is not simply a different way of gardening but another way of conceiving the world. Considering the place of pemaculture in the urban agriculture process we notice that the permacultural design is, of course, different from the conventional agriculture, but we observe as well that the permacultural project is fundamentally different from urbanism. From there, confronted to the growing ecological global crisis, we interrogate the source of permaculture as a possibility of re-designing the existing urban structure. Finally, we question the epistemological basis of permaculture in order to seek a global philosophical and material change.

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