Journal of Inequalities and Applications
Sharp bounds for the Sándor–Yang means in terms of arithmetic and contra-harmonic means
Yu-Ming Chu1  Wei-Mao Qian2  Hui-Zuo Xu3 
[1]Department of Mathematics, Huzhou University
[2]School of Distance Education, Huzhou Broadcast and TV University
[3]School of Economics and Management, Wenzhou Broadcast and TV University
关键词: Schwab–Borchardt mean;    Sándor–Yang mean;    Arithmetic mean;    Contra-harmonic mean;    Quadratic mean;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13660-018-1719-6
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract In the article, we provide several sharp upper and lower bounds for two Sándor–Yang means in terms of combinations of arithmetic and contra-harmonic means.
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