IEEE Access
Self-Calibrating Ultra-Wideband Network Supporting Multi-Robot Localization
Michael Hamer1  Raffaello D'Andrea2 
[1] Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, ETH Zurich, Z&x00FC;rich, Switzerland;
关键词: Clock synchronization;    robot localization;    robot sensing systems;    state estimation;    ultra wideband technology;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2829020
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, we concern ourselves with the development of a localization system that permits multiple robots to localize themselves simultaneously within a given area, which has been outfitted with a network of stationary radio modules. We derive a clock synchronization scheme for the radio modules, show how each module is able to compute its position within the network, and finally demonstrate how multiple robots are able to operate simultaneously within the space by using time-difference-of-arrival measurements to localize themselves. Since robots are passive receivers in this system and are able to compute their position based only on received and local information, multiple robots can operate simultaneously and without the need for central coordination or centralized localization infrastructure. All results presented in this paper are supported by experimental results, and the functionality of the system is demonstrated by multiple microquadrocopters localizing and flying simultaneously within a space.

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