Determining the Linear Viscoelastic Region of Sugar Maple Wood by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
Alireza Kaboorani1  Pierre Blanchet1 
[1] Laval University;
关键词: Wood;    Linear viscoelastic region (LVR);    Sugar maple;    Strain;    Relative humidity (RH);    Temperature;   
DOI  :  10.15376/biores.9.3.4392-4409
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a powerful analytical technique to study wood structure and properties. In order to draw firm conclusions from results obtained by DMA, strain rate of tests conducted by DMA should be within the linear viscoelastic region (LVR) of the tested material. In this study, the LVR limit of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) wood specimens was determined in the three directions under a range of temperature and relative humidity (RH) conditions. The results demonstrated that wood had very different LVR limits in the different directions. The longitudinal direction had much lower LVR limits than the radial and tangential directions. While LVR limits were not strongly affected by changes in temperature and RH in the longitudinal direction, they proved very sensitive to these factors in the tangential direction. The results of this study showed the importance of determining LVR limits before running any test by DMA.

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