Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature
La construcció del coneixement sobre el verb en alumnes de 3r i 6è d’educació primària
关键词: Teaching & learning grammar;    verb;    declarative knowledge;    procedural knowledge;    primary education;   
DOI  :  10.5565/rev/jtl3.462
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article explores the declarative knowledge and the criteria to recognize the verbal category by students of 3rd and 6th grades of primary education. The study argues that the verb is one of the most complex linguistic concepts and, consequently, it is a difficult task to turn it into a didactic object. This is the reason why students find the concept of verb difficult to construct.  The results of the study show that students develop semantic procedures to define the verb, but that the procedures to recognize it in sentences or texts are morphological. As a result, the declarative knowledge does not become useful as a strategy to identify the verb. These results confirm previous studies regarding the lack of systematization in the construction of grammatical concepts and they also confirm the need to redefine how to teach and learn the concept of verb.

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