IEEE Access
Amplitude and Phase Tuning of Microwave Signals in Magnetically Biased Permalloy Structures
Romolo Marcelli1  Giovanni Maria Sardi1  Emanuela Proietti1  Giancarlo Bartolucci1  Sergiu Iordanescu2  Martino Aldrigo2  Alina Cismaru2  Mircea Dragoman2 
[1] CNR-IMM Roma, Rome, Italy;National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, IMT Bucharest, Voluntari (Ilfov), Romania;
关键词: Electromagnetic devices;    magnetic materials;    magnetic films;    magnetic properties;    microwave magnetics;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3031310
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, a permalloy layer has been employed in the fabrication of a coupled line electromagnetic bandgap (EMBG) device to tune both amplitude and phase. A magnetically biased microwave coplanar configuration manufactured with evaporated permalloy has been measured, and a circuit modelling has been studied to evaluate the measured effects in terms of variable attenuation and phase shift. Starting from a permalloy made by the mixture 80% nickel and 20% iron content, we fabricated an electromagnetic bandgap (EMBG) structure based on a periodic arrangement of single sections of a transmission line with variable impedance, also including a central region with coupled lines. The bandpass characteristics of the EMBG device can be tuned by changing permalloy's permeability through the application of a DC magnetic field H0 (parallel to the plane of the structure). In particular, using a magnetic field up to 3000 Oe, it was possible to change the phase by ca. 45° and the amplitude by ca. 7 dB in the X band.

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