One-Dimensional Convolutional Auto-Encoder for Predicting Furnace Blowback Events from Multivariate Time Series Process Data—A Case Study
Tobias Muller Louw1  Steven Martin Bradshaw1  Lidia Auret1  Carl Daniel Theunissen1 
[1]Department of Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa
关键词: process monitoring;    failure prediction;    semi-supervised model;    one-dimensional convolutional network;    reconstruction-based model;   
DOI  :  10.3390/min11101106
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Modern industrial mining and mineral processing applications are characterized by large volumes of historical process data. Hazardous events occurring in these processes compromise process safety and therefore overall viability. These events are recorded in historical data and are often preceded by characteristic patterns. Reconstruction-based data-driven models are trained to reconstruct the characteristic patterns of hazardous event-preceding process data with minimal residuals, facilitating effective event prediction based on reconstruction residuals. This investigation evaluated one-dimensional convolutional auto-encoders as reconstruction-based data-driven models for predicting positive pressure events in industrial furnaces. A simple furnace model was used to generate dynamic multivariate process data with simulated positive pressure events to use as a case study. A one-dimensional convolutional auto-encoder was trained as a reconstruction-based model to recognize the data preceding the hazardous events, and its performance was evaluated by comparing it to a fully-connected auto-encoder as well as a principal component analysis reconstruction model. This investigation found that one-dimensional convolutional auto-encoders recognized event-preceding patterns with lower detection delays, higher specificities, and lower missed alarm rates, suggesting that the one-dimensional convolutional auto-encoder layout is superior to the fully connected auto-encoder layout for use as a reconstruction-based event prediction model. This investigation also found that the nonlinear auto-encoder models outperformed the linear principal component model investigated. While the one-dimensional auto-encoder was evaluated comparatively on a simulated furnace case study, the methodology used in this evaluation can be applied to industrial furnaces and other mineral processing applications. Further investigation using industrial data will allow for a view of the convolutional auto-encoder’s absolute performance as a reconstruction-based hazardous event prediction model.
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