Integrated Energy System Configuration Optimization for Multi-Zone Heat-Supply Network Interaction
Xiu Yang1  Bo Tang1  Xiangwu Xia1  Gangfeng Gao1 
[1] School of Electric Power Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China;
关键词: integrated energy system;    thermal network planning;    carbon emission;    clean energy;    energy storage device;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en11113052
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The integrated energy system effectively improves the comprehensive utilization of energy through cascade utilization and coordinated scheduling of various types of energy. Based on the independent integrated energy system, the thermal network interaction between different load characteristic regions is introduced, requiring a minimum thermal grid construction cost, CCHP investment operation cost and carbon emission tax as the comprehensive optimization targets, and making overall optimization to the configuration and operation of the multi-region integrated energy systems. This paper focuses on the planning of equipment capacity of multi-region integrated energy system based on a CCHP system and heat network. Combined with the above comprehensive target and heat network model, a mixed integer linear programming model for a multi-region CCHP system capacity collaborative optimization configuration is established. The integrated energy system, just a numerical model solved with the LINGO software, is presented. Taking a typical urban area in Shanghai as an example, the simulation results show that the integrated energy system with multi-zone heat-suply network interaction compared to the single area CCHP model improved the clean energy utilization of the system, rationally allocates equipment capacity, promotes the local consumption of distributed energy, and provides better overall system benefits.

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