Revista de Estudios Sociales
Autonomía, solidaridad y reconocimiento intersubjetivo. Claves éticas para políticas sociales contemporáneas
关键词: Social Policies;    Ethics;    Autonomy;    Solidarity;    Intersubjective Recognition.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The current state of globalization generates multiple problems for Latin American societies, which are addressed by social policies. There are currently efforts to ensure that such policies are based on a more complex reading of social realty and its subjects. These proposals are framed in terms of theoretical, conceptual, methodological, and ethical perspectives that make possible the autonomy, solidarity, and intersubjective recognition of its participants. The objective of such efforts is to generate more cohesive societies with social actors empowered to dialogue and construct more equitable and inclusive forms of collective life. Based on Habermas' theoretical framework of discursive ethics and Honneth's theory of reciprocal recognition, this article contributes to formulation of ethical guidelines for contemporary social policies.
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