Economia & Região
Formation and Development of the Triângulo Mineiro: Economic, educational and technological Aspects
Marina Beatriz Siqueira Santos1  Luana Naves Ferreira Silva1 
[1]IE/UFU, Brazil
关键词: Triângulo Mineiro;    development;    technology;    education;    investment;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The object of this work is to analyze the formation and development of Triângulo Mineiro in relation to his economic, educational and technological aspects. First was held a research about the economic formation of Triângulo Mineiro. Then a current economic outlook of the region, highlighting two cities - Uberlândia and Uberaba - was done. Finally, was performed the study of recent development, education and science and technology of the region. The data show significant changes, particularly in relation to the improvement of the HDI. Thus it's pointed the importance of the debate on development, with creation and policy planning that essentially have such direction.
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