Applied Sciences
A Two-Stage Neural Network-Based Cold Start Item Recommender
Yi-Fan Chiu1  Yu-Jen Chen1  Chieh-Yuan Tsai1 
[1]Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Yuan-Ze University, Taoyuan City 320, Taiwan
关键词: recommendation systems;    cold start problems;    neural networks;    collaborative filtering;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app11094243
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Nowadays, recommendation systems have been successfully adopted in variant online services such as e-commerce, news, and social media. The recommenders provide users a convenient and efficient way to find their exciting items and increase service providers’ revenue. However, it is found that many recommenders suffered from the cold start (CS) problem where only a small number of ratings are available for some new items. To conquer the difficulties, this research proposes a two-stage neural network-based CS item recommendation system. The proposed system includes two major components, which are the denoising autoencoder (DAE)-based CS item rating (DACR) generator and the neural network-based collaborative filtering (NNCF) predictor. In the DACR generator, a textual description of an item is used as auxiliary content information to represent the item. Then, the DAE is applied to extract the content features from high-dimensional textual vectors. With the compact content features, a CS item’s rating can be efficiently derived based on the ratings of similar non-CS items. Second, the NNCF predictor is developed to predict the ratings in the sparse user–item matrix. In the predictor, both spare binary user and item vectors are projected to dense latent vectors in the embedding layer. Next, latent vectors are fed into multilayer perceptron (MLP) layers for user–item matrix learning. Finally, appropriate item suggestions can be accurately obtained. The extensive experiments show that the DAE can significantly reduce the computational time for item similarity evaluations while keeping the original features’ characteristics. Besides, the experiments show that the proposed NNCF predictor outperforms several popular recommendation algorithms. We also demonstrate that the proposed CS item recommender can achieve up to 8% MAE improvement compared to adding no CS item rating.
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