How Microgels Can Improve the Impact of Organ-on-Chip and Microfluidic Devices for 3D Culture: Compartmentalization, Single Cell Encapsulation and Control on Cell Fate
Pietro Aleardo Siciliano1  Laura Blasi1  Simona Argentiere1 
[1]Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems IMM-CNR, Via Monteroni, University Campus, 73100 Lecce, Italy
关键词: organ-on chip;    3D culture;    cell-laden microgels;    microencapsulation;    compartmentalization;    single-cell encapsulation;   
DOI  :  10.3390/polym13193216
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The Organ-on-chip (OOC) devices represent the new frontier in biomedical research to produce micro-organoids and tissues for drug testing and regenerative medicine. The development of such miniaturized models requires the 3D culture of multiple cell types in a highly controlled microenvironment, opening new challenges in reproducing the extracellular matrix (ECM) experienced by cells in vivo. In this regard, cell-laden microgels (CLMs) represent a promising tool for 3D cell culturing and on-chip generation of micro-organs. The engineering of hydrogel matrix with properly balanced biochemical and biophysical cues enables the formation of tunable 3D cellular microenvironments and long-term in vitro cultures. This focused review provides an overview of the most recent applications of CLMs in microfluidic devices for organoids formation, highlighting microgels’ roles in OOC development as well as insights into future research.
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