“Los estudios masónicos estadounidense y su impacto en la masonería latinoamericana. Una aproximación historiográfica”
关键词: american historiography;    freemasonry;    bibliography;    latin america;    resum;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper provides a state of matter on the study of Latin American Freemasonry from the U.S. academy. In generalthere has been no interest for this study because the focus has been on Freemasonry of the United States, the UnitedKingdom and continental Europe, mainly France. This is because some scholars have regarded Freemasonry in LatinAmericaasdifferent,displayingitwiththelensofothernessandprovidingaculturalothernessbasedonthedifference.However,inthelasttwodecades,agenerationofscholars,alreadyestablishedintheirrespectiveuniversities,begantoventuretopublishonFreemasonry,directingthesisandpromotingthestudyofthisorganization from the university halls. This has allowed the development of new trends for the study of Freemasonryin Latin America as well as creating opportunities for exchange and dialogue between Latin American scholars andscholars from the United States.

【 授权许可】


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