Sociološki Pregled
Status analysis: A complement or an alternative to the class analysis
Antonić Slobodan1 
[1] University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, Serbia;
关键词: social stratification;    Max Weber;    citizenship;    race;    gender;    underclass;   
DOI  :  10.5937/socpreg0904481A
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The author discusses the relation between stratification and belonging to the status groups based on citizenship, race, gender or lifestyle (underclass). The author claims that the status analysis is not an alternative, but a complement to the class analysis. The life prospects of individuals in today's society depend not only on their position in the market (or in the system of production), but on their membership of a particular status group as well. Hence the Weberian approach - with two-dimensional, class and status analysis - is certainly more successful in dealing with all the complexities of social reality than the Marxist one. Therefore, if we add the third dimension of the Weber's stratification scheme - power, we can see that the exact social position of the individual could be determined the best by identification of its: position in the market (and the financial equivalent of the outcomes from it); position in a status group; and position in organizational structures (belonging to an organization and position that it occupies). Landowner or wage earner, citizen or immigrant, union activists or non-member, each of these positions mean a position either higher or lower on the stratification ladder. How this three-dimensional approach could be united into a single analytical matrix, and how could successful operationalization of it through appropriate indicators be made, still remains a challenge for researchers and statisticians. .

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