Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
Most Popular Signal Processing Methods in Motor-Imagery BCI: A Review and Meta-Analysis
Dariusz Zapała1  Piotr Wierzgała2  Grzegorz M. Wojcik2  Jolanta Masiak3 
[1] Department of Experimental PsychologyThe John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland;Department of Neuroinformatics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Institute of Computer ScienceMaria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland;Neurophysiological Independent Unit of the Department of PsychiatryMedical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland;
关键词: brain-computer interfaces;    motor imagery;    electroencephalography;    meta-analysis;    sensorimotor rhythms;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fninf.2018.00078
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) constitute an alternative channel of communication between humans and environment. There are a number of different technologies which enable the recording of brain activity. One of these is electroencephalography (EEG). The most common EEG methods include interfaces whose operation is based on changes in the activity of Sensorimotor Rhythms (SMR) during imagery movement, so-called Motor Imagery BCI (MIBCI).The present article is a review of 131 articles published from 1997 to 2017 discussing various procedures of data processing in MIBCI. The experiments described in these publications have been compared in terms of the methods used for data registration and analysis. Some of the studies (76 reports) were subjected to meta-analysis which showed corrected average classification accuracy achieved in these studies at the level of 51.96%, a high degree of heterogeneity of results (Q = 1806577.61; df = 486; p < 0.001; I2 = 99.97%), as well as significant effects of number of channels, number of mental images, and method of spatial filtering. On the other hand the meta-regression failed to provide evidence that there was an increase in the effectiveness of the solutions proposed in the articles published in recent years. The authors have proposed a newly developed standard for presenting results acquired during MIBCI experiments, which is designed to facilitate communication and comparison of essential information regarding the effects observed. Also, based on the findings of descriptive analysis and meta-analysis, the authors formulated recommendations regarding practices applied in research on signal processing in MIBCIs.

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