International Journal of Conservation Science
Effect of Water Treatment Residuals (Aluminum and Iron Ions) on Human Health and Drinking Water Distribution Systems
关键词: Coagulant residues;    Al(III);    Fe(II;    III);    Human Health;    Drinking water;    Metal deposit;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The aluminum and iron contents in drinking water can mainly be derived from the water treatment process because these metal ions is commonly used as reactant for coagulation-flocculation. When the optimum physico-chemical condition of the treatment of raw water is not well established, the probability of the presence of residual coagulants in treated water increases. In most water treatment plants, variation in raw water quality and the quantity make necessary a good monitoring of the optimum condition of treatment. In spite of these, consumers are exposed to dangerous consumption of residual coagulant in drinking water. There are numerous studies about these metals associated with various health problems and obstructing water distribution networks. The paper represents a review of the main literature in the field.

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