Crystals 卷:11
Waste Glass Utilization in Cement-Based Materials for Sustainable Construction: A Review
Di Qin1  Yidan Hu1  Xuemei Li2 
[1] Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130021, China;
[2] Changchun Sci-Tech University, Changchun 130600, China;
关键词: cement-based materials;    waste glass;    sustainable construction;    mechanical properties;    durability;   
DOI  :  10.3390/cryst11060710
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The construction industry has a significant environmental impact, contributing considerably to CO2 emissions, natural resource depletion, and energy consumption. The construction industry is currently trending towards using alternative construction materials in place of natural materials and cement, thereby reducing the environmental impact and promoting sustainability. Two approaches have been used in this review: scientometric analysis and a comprehensive manual review on the waste glass (WG) utilization in cement-based materials (CBMs) as a sustainable approach. Scientometric analysis is conducted to find out the current research trend from available bibliometric data and to identify the relevant publication fields, sources with the most publications, the most frequently used keywords, the most cited articles and authors, and the countries that have made the most significant contribution to the field of WG utilization in CBMs. The effect of WG on the mechanical properties of CBMs was found to be inconsistent in the literature. The inconsistent effects of WG impede its acceptance in the construction sector. This study intends to shed light on the arguments and tries to explain the opposing perspectives. This article summarizes the findings of various research groups and recommends new viewpoints based on the assessment of fundamental processes. The effect of utilizing WG on fresh and hardened properties of CBMs, including workability, compressive strength, split-tensile strength, and flexural strength, are reviewed. Furthermore, the microstructure and durability of composites containing WG are investigated. Different limitations associated with WG use in CBMs and their possible solution are reported. This study will assist researchers in identifying gaps in the present research. Additionally, the scientometric review will enable researchers from diverse regions to exchange novel ideas and technologies, collaborate on research, and form joint ventures.

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