Journal of Science and Research 卷:1
Criticism of the conception of pure inquiry at the University
Jorge Luis Dahik Cabrera1 
[1] Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo;
关键词: Investigación universitaria, Epistemología en la investigación, Alcances de investigación;   
DOI  :  10.26910/issn.2528-8083vol1iss3.2016pp25-28
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This work is partly the result of a study more extensive, an inquiry relevant to the need to incorporate other approaches epistemological in the investigative processes for undergraduate and postgraduate education, responding to the needs of the social sector and in articulation with the regulation of the academic regime of 2013. Thus, this work also suggests a division strategic research for teaching and scientific advancement of knowledge in the University.

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