Open Geosciences 卷:13
Geochemistry of the mudrocks and sandstones from the Bredasdorp Basin, offshore South Africa: Implications for tectonic provenance and paleoweathering
Baiyegunhi Christopher1  Rapholo Maropene1  Gwavava Oswald2  Baiyegunhi Temitope Love2  Liu Kuiwu2 
[1]Department of Geology and Mining, School of Physical and Mineral Sciences, University of Limpopo, Private Bag X1106, Sovenga 0727, Limpopo Province, South Africa
[2]|Department of Geology, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of Fort Hare, Private Bag X1314, Alice 5700, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
关键词: geochemistry;    provenance;    weathering;    tectonic setting;    bredasdorp basin;   
DOI  :  10.1515/geo-2020-0260
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
An inorganic geochemical investigation of mudrocks and sandstone from the southern Bredasdorp Basin, off the south coast of South Africa was carried out to unravel the provenance, paleoweathering, and tectonic setting of the basin. Seventy-seven representative samples from exploration wells E-AH1, E-AJ1, E-BA1, E-BB1, and E-D3 underwent geochemical analysis involving major and trace elements. The major oxide compositions show that the sandstones could be classified as sub-arkose and sub-lithic arenite. The provenance discrimination diagrams based on major oxide geochemistry revealed that the sandstones are mainly of quartzose sedimentary provenance, while the mudrocks are of quartzose sedimentary and intermediate igneous provenances. The discrimination diagrams indicate that the Bredasdorp sediments were mostly derived from a cratonic interior or recycled orogen. The bivariate plots of TiO2 versus Ni, TiO2 against Zr, and La/Th versus Hf as well as the ternary diagrams of V–Ni–Th∗10 suggest that the mudrocks and sandstones were derived from felsic igneous rocks. The tectonic setting discrimination diagrams support passive-active continental margin setting of the provenance. Also, the closely similar compositions of the analysed samples and recent sedimentary rocks of the East African Rift System perhaps suggest a rifted basin tectonic setting for the Bredasdorp Basin. Chemical index of alteration (CIA) indices observed in the sandstones suggest that their source area underwent low to moderate degree of chemical weathering. However, the mudrocks have high CIA indices suggesting that the source area underwent more intense chemical weathering, possibly due to climatic and/or tectonic variations.
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