E3S Web of Conferences 卷:73
Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Reduction by Using Organic Fertilizer in Boyolali Regency
Sudarno Sudarno1  Etik Purnamasari2 
[1] Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, School of Postgraduate, Diponegoro University;
[2] Master Program of Environmental Science, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University;
关键词: Agriculture;    Urea Fertilizer;    Greenhouse Gas;   
DOI  :  10.1051/e3sconf/20187308005
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Agriculture contributes approximately 14% of greenhouse gases at global scale and 7% at national level. Fertilizer using urea is one of agriculture's activities that produces greenhouse gases. Indonesian government's commitment to reduce greenhouse emission by 26% in 2020 by establishing Rencana Aksi Nasional (National Action Plan) reducing greenhouse gases. In this National Act Plan, agricultural sector is obligated to reduce gas emission by 8 Gg CO2e. This research aims to calculate greenhouse gas emission that is being produced by the using urea fertilizer in Boyolali Regency, as well as its mitigation plan. The result shows that the using organic fertilizer as the substitute of urea fertilizer can reduce greenhouse gas emission. The emission of greenhouse gas from using urea fertilizer in Boyolali Regency in the form of CO2 was 18,386 tons CO2, and in the form of N2O was 42,956 tons CO2e. Meanwhile, the greenhouse gas emission from using organic fertilizer was only in the form of N2O as much as 48,575 tons CO2e. Overall, the use of organic fertilizer can reduce greenhouse gas emission by 12,768 CO2e.

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