Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 卷:13
A Compendium of Fibonacci Ratio
Pratima Gupta1  Priyanka Katyal1  Hemant Jain2  Nikhita Gulati3 
[1]Assistant Editor, Editorial Department, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Delhi, India.
[2]|Chief Editor, Editorial Department, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Delhi, India.
[3]|Former Assistant Editor, Editorial Department, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Delhi, India.
关键词: golden angle;    golden proportion;    golden rectangle;    phi concept;   
DOI  :  10.7860/JCDR/2019/42772.13317
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The Fibonacci sequence of numbers is known since the ancient past. It is considered as a proportion which can be frequently appreciated in nature. The associated ratio, called as the golden ratio is manifested in the works of art, nature, galaxies, monuments etc. Many famous mathematicians, philosophers, and artists have used this ratio in their work. Humans distinguish this proportion as pleasing, as it enlightens beauty when applied in living or non living entities. The ideal proportion is directly related to golden proportion. It ranges from 1 to 1.618. Moreover, the proportion can be applied in facial aesthetics also. Studies have showed that the beautiful faces have facial measurements close to golden ratio. Thus, the treatment following the standard will help in obtaining optimal facial aesthetics. The review is written with an aim to highlight the historical perspectives, its varied applications in the past and present; and further scope of research in future.
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