Gragoatá 卷:10
The African diaspora in the verses of Ntozake Shange
Stelamaris Coser1 
[1] UFES;
关键词: poema e performance;    diáspora africana;    ligações interamericanas;    literatura norte-americana contemporânea;    raça e gênero;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

By associating the concepts of travel and diaspora, this essay examines the poems written and produced by Ntozake Shange, contemporary black writer from the United States. Her performances combine text, video, dance and music to affirm her Afracentric spirit and mix the personal and the political, the lyric and the epic, in a work that brings together desire and the body with dreams of equality and denunciations of violence. The diasporic conscience of the space, literature, history and sociopolitical conjuncture of Latin America and the Caribbean, besides the sympathy shown for Brazil, contributes to underline and promote the interconnected cultures of the Americas.

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