Ecology and Evolution 卷:11
Functional groups in piscivorous fishes
Michalis Mihalitsis1  David R. Bellwood1 
[1]Research Hub for Coral Reef Ecosystem Functions James Cook University Townsville Qld Australia
关键词: capture;    engulfer;    grabber;    predation;    prey size;    strike;   
DOI  :  10.1002/ece3.8020
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Piscivory is a key ecological function in aquatic ecosystems, mediating energy flow within trophic networks. However, our understanding of the nature of piscivory is limited; we currently lack an empirical assessment of the dynamics of prey capture and how this differs between piscivores. We therefore conducted aquarium‐based performance experiments, to test the feeding abilities of 19 piscivorous fish species. We quantified their feeding morphology, striking, capturing, and processing behavior. We identify two major functional groups: grabbers and engulfers. Grabbers are characterized by horizontal, long‐distance strikes, capturing their prey tailfirst and subsequently processing their prey using their oral jaw teeth. Engulfers strike from short distances, from high angles above or below their prey, engulfing their prey and swallowing their prey whole. Based on a meta‐analysis of 2,209 published in situ predator–prey relationships in marine and freshwater aquatic environments, we show resource partitioning between grabbers and engulfers. Our results provide a functional classification for piscivorous fishes delineating patterns, which transcend habitats, that may help explain size structures in fish communities.
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