Дискурс Пи
Fragmentation of Globalization as a Challenge to Sustainable Development:Identity Factor
关键词: globalization;    fragmentation;    sustainable development;    international organizations;    political elites;    identity;    civil society;    human rights;   
DOI  :  10.24412/1817-9568-2021-1-78-90
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article deals with the causes of crisis phenomena in modern society at the global and local levels, which were most clearly manifested in the conditions of breaking the unified field of the system of international relations at the end of the XX and beginning of the XXI century. The problem of changing views on the role of global systems in the modern world is raised. The ongoing processes are characterized, among other things, considering the catalyzing factor that the COVID-19 pandemic has become. This phenomenon has aggravated the contradictions of socio-political relations, which has become a consequence of the General crisis in economic and the collapse of the management system of the international space conditions of increasing uncertainty. Modern problems of world development are closely linked to the fragmentation of globalization, which has come under serious pressure from the inability of national economic systems, political elites and state institutions to develop a common understanding of joint priorities for sustainable development. Attempts to transform the existing consensus of identities in the world community through the forceful defense of liberal principles in the modern ideological, social and information space lead to the destruction of universal values formed by various ethno-cultural systems and to the formation of new confrontational challenges in international relations.

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