Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privredu 卷:20
Stability of tanker trucks using the Davies method
Flórez Serrano Elkin1  Guillermo Moreno Contreras Gonzalo1  Ramón Bladimir1 
[1]University of Pamplona, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical, Mechatronic and Industrial Engineering, Pamplona, Colombia
关键词: tanker trucks;    stability;    rollover;    davies method;   
DOI  :  10.5937/jaes0-33364
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The stability of heavy vehicles is an issue that has been worked on in recent times. For this, several models that allow to determine how prone a vehicle is to rollover have been developed. However, most of these models use fixed loads to take their measurements without including shifting loads that in certain cases decrease the stability of the vehicles. With this in mind, this article proposes a two-dimensional kinematic model to determine the Static Rollover Threshold (SRT) using the Davies Method as an analysis tool. Lastly, a case study is carried out to determine the influence of the load on the reduction of vehicle stability.
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