Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics 卷:3
Motion planning algorithms, topological properties and affine approximation
My Ismail Mamouni1  Younes Derfoufi2 
[1] Centre de Préparation á l'Agrégation, Département de Didactique des Mathématiques, CRMEF Rabat, Morocco;
[2] Département de Mathématiques et d'Informatique, Faculté des Sciences Meknes, Morocco;
关键词: Motion planning algorithms;    topological robotics;    approximation;    regular spaces;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The topological study of the so-called "motion planning algorithms" emerged in the 2003-2004 with the works of M. Farber. We focus here on the topological study of the set of these algorithms, when the configuration space is a normed vector space. We especially show that any motion planning algorithm in a compact sub-configuration space can be approximated by some piecewise affine ones.

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