Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 卷:2007
Continuous dependence for the Brinkman equations of flow in double-diffusive convection
关键词: Continuous dependence;    structural stability;    gravity coefficients;    Soret coefficient;    Brinkman equations;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paperconcerns thestructuralstability forconvective motion in a fluid-saturated porous mediumunder the Brinkman scheme. Continuous dependence for thesolutions on the gravity coefficients and the Soret coefficientare proved. First of all,an a priori bound in$L^2$ norm is derived whereby we show the solution dependscontinuously in $L^2$ norm on changes in the gravity coefficientsand the Soret coefficient. This estimate also implies that the solutionsdecay exponentially.

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