Information 卷:13
Methodological Study on the Influence of Truck Driving State on the Accuracy of Weigh-in-Motion System
Shuanfeng Zhao1  Qing Li1  Jianwei Yang1  Zenghui Tang1  Zhizhong Xing1 
[1]School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, China
关键词: weigh-in-motion;    truck tracking;    vehicle state;    information extraction;    computer vision;   
DOI  :  10.3390/info13030130
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The weigh-in-motion (WIM) system weighs the entire vehicle by identifying the dynamic forces of each axle of the vehicle on the road. The load of each axle is very important to detect the total weight of the vehicle. Different drivers have different driving behaviors, and when large trucks pass through the weighing detection area, the driving state of the trucks may affect the weighing accuracy of the system. This paper proposes YOLOv3 network model as the basis for this algorithm, which uses the feature pyramid network (FPN) idea to achieve multi-scale prediction and the deep residual network (ResNet) idea to extract image features, so as to achieve a balance between detection speed and detection accuracy. In the paper, spatial pyramid pooling (SPP) network and cross stage partial (CSP) network are added to the original network model to improve the learning ability of the convolutional neural network and make the original network more lightweight. Then the detection-based target tracking method with Kalman filtering + RTS (rauch–tung–striebel) smoothing is used to extract the truck driving status information (vehicle trajectory and speed). Finally, the effective size of the vehicle in different driving states on the weighing accuracy is statistically analyzed. The experimental results show that the method has high accuracy and real-time performance in truck driving state extraction, can be used to analyze the influence of weighing accuracy, and provides theoretical support for personalized accuracy correction of WIM system. At the same time, it is beneficial for WIM system to assist the existing traffic system more accurately and provide a highway health management and effective decision making by providing reliable monitoring data.
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