Клиническая и экспериментальная тиреоидология 卷:6
Graves' ophthalmopathy: interdisciplinary approach
关键词: graves' ophthalmopathy;    graves' disease;    steroid pulse therapy;    orbital decompression;   
DOI  :  10.14341/ket20106446-51
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Graves' ophthalmopathy constitutes a major therapeutic challenge, so specialists of various disci-plines have to combine their forces. According to the last consensus of EUGOGO (European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy) the treatment of choice for Graves' ophthalmopathy is pulses of glucocorticoid (GC). Evidence for the superiority of any of the different intravenous (iv) glucocorticoid schedules is lacking. Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of two different methylprednisolone pulse therapy schedules in Graves' ophthalmopathy. Materials and Methods: 30 Graves' patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy were subcategorized into two groups: Group A subjects (n = 14) were given iv glucocorticoid daily for 5 days (total 5 g) and Group B patients (n = 16) were given iv glucocorticoid weekly for 5 weeks (total 5 g). All patients were examined by the ophthalmologist before and in 1 and 12 weeks after the treatment. Results: We found that in group A visual acuity was significantly higher than in group B at 12 weeks. By 12 week proptosis, diplopia had improved as well as CAS had fallen in two groups but there were no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusion: Both schedules are effective on proptosis, soft tissue swelling. Daily pulse therapy appeared to be more effective on visual acuity. Thereby in case of active Graves' ophthalmopathy associated with impairment of visual acuity, daily pulse therapy is a treatment of choice. But, in spite of improvement, strabismus, diplopia, proptosis have a marked negative effect on quality of life, disturb a lifestyle. In these cases surgery should be considered. After end of our research two patients (3 orbits) had bone decompression with a good result. We consider that eye muscle surgery is next needed to restore their binocular vision.

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