Правовое государство: теория и практика 卷:18
Romanovskaya Vera Borisovna1 
[1]Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
关键词: information society;    virtual reality;    augmented reality;    cyberspace;    digital law;   
DOI  :  10.33184/pravgos-2022.1.12
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The legal system of modern Russia is faced with global challenges resulting from the digitalization of many spheres of life and a radical change in the mentality of society in the postmodern era. Purpose: to analyze the problems of legal regulation of new social relations arising in cyberspace. Methods: general scientific and specific scientific methods of cognition are used: comparative legal method, method of interpreting legal norms. Results. The law must enter cyberspace in order to be able to regulate and protect the interests of the state and citizens, information, assets, finances, intellectual property, secrets. It is a task not only for sectoral legal science, it is a common task for theoreticians and practitioners. The issues of the subject of law, the object of law, the goals and objectives of legal regulation in the new information society require rethinking.
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