Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics | 卷:11 |
A Telematic Support System for Emergency Medical Services | |
Michael Protogerakis1  Arno Gramatke1  Klaus Henning1  | |
[1] RWTH Aachen University; | |
关键词: Telematic Support; System Architecture; Competence Centre; Emergency Medical Services; Vital Parameter Transmission; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
The presented system is part of the research project Medon-@ ix for the safe application of information technology in preclinical emergency health care. It aims at supporting members of the emergency medical services (EMS) at the incident location from a remote Competence Centre. In this paper cases in which a telematic support system can be used will be outlined. This includes the assistance of medical and non-medical staff in emergency incidents. The functional and non-functional requirements for the on site medical devices, the documentation system and the medical decision support system in the Competence Centre will be outlined. This paper also presents a possible hardware and software system architecture approach to a telematic support system.
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