MethodsX 卷:7
Design of a loading system for cyclic test on sutured organs
Giulia Pascoletti1  Giordano Franceschini1  Elisabetta M. Zanetti1  Maria Chiara Pressanto2  Giovanni Putame3  Mara Terzini3 
[1] Department of Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy;
[2] Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria - Sezione Chirurgia e Radiodiagnostica, University of Perugia, Italy;
[3] PolitoBIOMed Lab, DIMEAS, Politecnico di Torino, Italy;
关键词: Suture test;    Suture distraction;    Cyclic loads;    Anchorage points migration;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The design of loading systems to test biologic samples is often challenging, due to shape variability and non-conventional loading set-ups. In addition to this, large economic investments would not be justified since the loading set up is usually designed for one single or for a limited range of applications.The object of this work is the development of a loading set-up finalised to on-site testing of sutures whose main function is applying a localised tensile load. The main challenges of this design process can be so summarized: • Applying cyclic tensile loads on the suture wire, mimicking the physiologic condition where both suture anchorage points have a certain compliance; • Designing a loading system as versatile as possible, in order to be able to accommodate organs with different geometries and sizes; • Keeping low both the complexity and costs of realization.All these considerations and the design calculi are here reported in detail, discussing the novelty of the system, and its main advantages.

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