Emerging Infectious Diseases 卷:8
Epidemiologic Responses to Anthrax Outbreaks: A Review of Field Investigations, 1950–2001
关键词: anthrax;    Bacillus anthracis;    bacterial infections;    bioterrorism;    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.);    disease outbreaks;   
DOI  :  10.3201/eid0810.020223
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We used unpublished reports, published manuscripts, and communication with investigators to identify and summarize 49 anthrax-related epidemiologic field investigations conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 1950 to August 2001. Of 41 investigations in which Bacillus anthracis caused human or animal disease, 24 were in agricultural settings, 11 in textile mills, and 6 in other settings. Among the other investigations, two focused on building decontamination, one was a response to bioterrorism threats, and five involved other causes. Knowledge gained in these investigations helped guide the public health response to the October 2001 intentional release of B. anthracis, especially by addressing the management of anthrax threats, prevention of occupational anthrax, use of antibiotic prophylaxis in exposed persons, use of vaccination, spread of B. anthracis spores in aerosols, clinical diagnostic and laboratory confirmation methods, techniques for environmental sampling of exposed surfaces, and methods for decontaminating buildings.

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