PeerJ 卷:6
Genetic diversity and molecular evolution of Ornithogalum mosaic virus based on the coat protein gene sequence
Fangluan Gao1  Hongkai Yang1  Zhenguo Du1  Jianguo Shen2  Furong Liao3 
[1] Fujian Key Laboratory of Plant Virology, Institute of Plant Virology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian, China;
[2] Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center, Fujian Exit-Entry, Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Fuzhou, Fujian, China;
[3] Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center, Xiamen Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Xiamen, Fujian, China;
关键词: Phylogenetic analysis;    Host-driven adaptation;    Ornithogalum mosaic virus;    Selective constraints;   
DOI  :  10.7717/peerj.4550
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Ornithogalum mosaic virus (OrMV) has a wide host range and affects the production of a variety of ornamentals. In this study, the coat protein (CP) gene of OrMVwas used to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution of this virus. The 36 OrMV isolates fell into two groups which have significant subpopulation differentiation with an FST value of 0.470. One isolate was identified as a recombinant and the other 35 recombination-free isolates could be divided into two major clades under different evolutionary constraints with dN/dS values of 0.055 and 0.028, respectively, indicating a role of purifying selection in the differentiation of OrMV. In addition, the results from analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that the effect of host species on the genetic divergence of OrMV is greater than that of geography. Furthermore, OrMV isolates from the genera Ornithogalum, Lachenalia and Diuri tended to group together, indicating that OrMV diversification was maintained, in part, by host-driven adaptation.

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