International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials 卷:14
Simplified Effective Compressive Strengths of Columns with Intervening Floor Slabs
Seung-Ho Choi1  Sun-Jin Han1  Jae Hyun Kim1  Kang Su Kim1  Jin-Ha Hwang2  Hae-Chang Cho3 
[1] Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Seoul;
[2] Jeonnam and Jeju Branch, Korea Conformity Laboratories;
[3] Technology Center, Dream Structural Engineers;
关键词: effective compressive strength;    normal strength concrete;    high strength concrete;    slab;    column;    reinforced concrete;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s40069-020-00419-8
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract The current design codes discuss the effective compressive strengths of columns, which reflect a decrease in load transfer performance that can occur when columns and slabs have different concrete compressive strengths. The effective compressive strength of a column increases as it is confined by the slab, and the design codes mandate three different effective compressive strengths for interior columns (confinement on four sides), exterior columns (confinement on three sides), and corner columns (confinement on two sides). For both corner and exterior columns, the confinement effect of the slab is significantly smaller than that for the interior column, and there is a more marked decrease in load transfer performance. However, there is still a lack of theoretical studies investigating the effective compressive strengths of the corner and exterior columns. Therefore, based on the analysis model established in previous research, this study has proposed an equation for calculating the effective compressive strengths of the corner, exterior and isolated columns without any confinement effects of the slab. In addition, axial loading tests of isolated columns were conducted and the proposed equation was verified.

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