EPJ Web of Conferences 卷:260
Competition between allowed and first-forbidden β decays and the r-process
Podolyák Zsolt1 
[1] Department of Physics, University of Surrey;
关键词: ;   
DOI  :  10.1051/epjconf/202226003005
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

β− decay lifetimes are essential ingredients for r-process yield calculations. In N≈126 r-process waiting point nuclei first-forbidden and allowed β decays are expected to compete. Recent experiments performed at CERN/ISOLDE showed that 207,208Hg decay predominantly via first-forbidden decays. In addition, following on a high statistics study of the β+ /EC decay of 208At, it is suggested that the Z>82, N<126 nuclei provide an excellent testing ground for global calculations addressing the competition between first-forbidden and allowed β decays.

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